Sunday, January 27, 2008

Broccolli Chicken (kind-of).

Dinner again... It seems like we are always eating. As soon as a day has gone by that I've successfully made dinner I have to turn around and do it again! In a perfect world I could just bake pretty confections all day long and never have to really "cook".

So broccoli and fake chicken it is. I use Morning Start brand soy-based fake chicken fajita strips. It turns out a bit floppy, so if you aren't against it I would use real chicken. The fake is OK, though. I serve over rice. My husband only really likes white rice, though he'll eat brown.

Broccoli Beef:

1/2 large onion, chopped

1 red pepper, chopped

2 heads broccoli, chopped

1 bag Morning Star fake-Chicken Fajita Strips (still frozen)

1T fresh ginger root, finely chopped

1/3 c soy sauce

3T brown sugar

1 T corn starch

1 1/4 c water

Brown onion in skillet with a little olive oil (med. high heat). Add red pepper and broccoli. Cook until crisp but slightly browned (5 more minutes). Add frozen fake meat and place a lid over the mixture. Reduce heat to medium and let steam until tender-crisp (10-12 minutes).

Mix together in a bowl or liquid measuring glass ginger, soy sauce, brown sugar, corn starch and water. Add liquid mixture to pan and replace lid. Let steam together for 5 more minutes. Remove lid and mix well, letting any extra liquid burn off until sauce has the desired consistency. I like mine pretty wet and not very syrupy.

Serve over rice. Makes 4 servings.

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