Thursday, January 31, 2008

I got a present!

Every once in a very blue moon a friend comes along that you just really love. I have such a friend! My dearest friend, Melanie, sent me a "blog care package" in the mail. Melanie is an amazing cook and a behind-closed-doors foodie. Needless to say, the stuff she sent was awesome! I want to share with you all of my goodies so that you can rush right out and put yourself together this exact same set of fun toys and start playing!

As you can see she went all out! I recieved an adorable red mini-colander with flower holes and two ducky-feet egg cups, a 55 minute kitchen timer in my kitchen color (red) and an athropologie kitchen towel that is way to pretty to wipe wet hands on. Also, because I love to garden as much as cook she gave me "The growing egg" - an egg that grows up to be a thyme plant! YIPPY! I immediately put on the pot and cooked a 3 minute egg with my timer and ate it with my egg cup. I think it tasted better because of it's adornment. Luckily I even had a white egg in my fridge to match my egg cup. It's rare that there is anything but brown or bespeckled eggs hiding in the depths of the fridge.

Melanie also gave me a book. This is not a "cook book", but a Book for Cooks!It has recipes and how-tos and all of your off the wall questions answered. Have you ever wanted to julienne a leek? This book shows step by step instruction! It's called "What's a Cook to Do?" by James Peterson. Check it out.

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