Friday, January 25, 2008

Pancake Fun.

This morning at the crack of dawn Albie woke up and wanted "Pancakes, Mommy!" So I made pancakes. I tried to make a dinosaur (above) as well as a few different letters and a pony. The effort was a lot of fun! I just "free-poured" the batter. I've seen many fun little pancake stencils that one can buy for the perfectly shaped pancake. I've chosen to wing it and let the forces of good and evil guide my pancake pouring. Maybe the future is written in the pancakes? We just don't know!


2 eggs

1c flour

3T sugar

3T oil

3/4 c milk

3t baking powder

Mix together all with whisk and pour onto a hot and buttered skillet. Wait until batter is bubbly and air bubbles start to pop. Flip pancake and slightly brown on the underside. Serve hot with maple syrup and/or jam.

Just in case you WANT to use the pancake molds for fast pancake shapes here are some I found online for purchase:

Williams Sonoma $16.00 $4.95

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