Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Our local meat market had a chicken extraveganza that was awe-inspiring. Chicken is not the most exciting meat so I decided to raid the cupboards and get creative. I found some fresh orange juice and some not-so-fresh cabernet. A few additives and we were in business! So here is my newest concoction:


(measurements are approximations)

3 cups fresh Orange juice

2 cups red wine

1/4 c molasses

1/4 c balsamic vinegar

4 medium boneless chicken breasts

In a large skillet reduce 2 cups of OJ, 1 1/2 c red wine, molasses and vinegar until thick and saucey, about 12-15 minutes. Remove from heat and brush onto chicken breasts. Cook chicken in oven on roaster pan at 450 degrees. After 15-17 minutes brush with sauce again and return to oven. Let finish cooking for 8-10 minutes more or until juices run clear. Meanwhile, add remaining Orange juice and wine to sauce and reduce again. Serve chicken with sauce over rice or with a rich pilaf on the side.

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