Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Going West for Fresh Fish and Family Fun.

I am gearing up to go home. My family hails from Seattle, the home of very fresh seafood and lots of great authentic Asian cuisine. What does this trip mean for you, the bloggie? It means I won't type much at all, but that when I come back I will have a wealth of wonderful food to share with the world.

Can I recommend a Northwest cook book for experimentation while I'm gone? I love perusing the cook books at the local library. I often find many yummy secrets lurking in the dusty depths of the second floor back right-hand corner. The other day I came across a wonderful little cook book filled with NW specialties by a chef who has become a renowned culinary specialist of the region and has written many cook books. The book was called In Season: Culinary Adventures of a San Juan Island Chef by Greg Atkinson. You can pick up this great little mouth-watering treat by clicking this link:


In Season is not just a cook book. It's funny and moving and so much more than recipes. There are lots of great recipes, don't get me wrong! The antic dotes and vivid descriptive writing makes this book a joy to read as well as cook from. Try it! MAKE THE OYSTERS! And tell me what you think.

Read a review of this book here:


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