Monday, February 11, 2008

Margaret's Roast Pepper and Salmon Sandwich.

I've returned from the beautiful Northwest. My family rented an amazing house on the Olympic Peninsula, at Fort Worden. I highly recommend the location for beauty and price as well as amazing kitchens in the refurbished late 1800's homes. I walked into a kitchen three times the size of mine with countertop that stretched on for miles!

My sister, Margaret was equally inspired by this wonderful kitchen (though her home has a killer kitchen). She set to work to wow us all with a quick sandwich lunch. She roasted three bell peppers to smoky perfection and served with beautifully cooked cuts of baked salmon with fresh dill and lemon pepper. All was laid on a bed of romaine and enclosed by toasted wheat. It was fabulous to look at, fast (salmon was cooked the night before) and mouthwatering delicious! I promised the world great NW cooking and here it is.

Roasted Red Pepper and Salmon Sandwich

2 red bell peppers
fillet of pacific salmon
fresh dill
lemon pepper
Romaine lettus
wheat bread/ bread of choice
mustard* (optional)

Wash whole red peppers and lay out on their sides on roasting pan. Place pan under broiler for 4-5 minutes or until blackened and starting to let juices flow. Turn peppers to expose uncooked side to the broiler. Repeat this until much of the red pepper is blackened. Set on paper towel and allow to rest for 10-15 minutes.

Cook salmon fillet by spicing with lemon pepper then laying dill across salmon. Trickle a little olive oil on if you would like. Broil for 7-8 minutes or until pink and cooked through with no red remaining. Remove and let rest.

Cut red peper lengthwise into 2-3 inch side strips of pepper. Cut away guts and seeds from the pepper.

Toast bread and put on some mustard if you like. Add a good handfull of romaine lettus and two stips of roasted red pepper. Add a slab of salmon from the fillet. Close her up and enjoy!

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