Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Easter Candy Ideas

Easter is coming and I'm starting to get ready. The first order of business... CANDY! Since we eat so much citrus around here I decided to put our garden waste to some use. The easter bunny will be bringning candied citrus peel this year. I'm starting to notice a theme in my posts: citrus. The time of year solicits the vibrancy of such sunny fruits. I imagine that when fall comes around everything will be squashes and potatoes again. Until then let's enjoy my recent rash of lemons and oranges.

I candied lemons and tangerines for this batch. I'll keep up this effort for a couple of weeks until I have enough peel to satisfy friends and family.

How does one candy peel?

Peel your citrus with a peeler or a knife. Use a fillet knife to cut away the pith (White meaty stuff). Once you have a bunch of peel put on a pot of water to boil. When the water is boiling Blanch all of your peel in the water for 1 minute. Remove. Dump out blanching water then in the pot add 2 cups fresh water and 2 cups of sugar. Bring to a boil. Add blanched peel and boil in sugar syrup for 30-40 minutes. Remove and place on a plate that has been dusted with granulated sugar (Prevents sticking to plate). Roll further in sugar and set to dry for 3-4 hours. Store in an airtight container for up to a month.

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