Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Baked Salmon dinner.

Dinner for two, plus baby, can be easier than you think! I tried to cook kid-friendly yet elegant food. I think it worked out, because before we knew it, my husband and I had slipped into a joviality that hasn't graced our dinner table since pre-toddler days! I think for at least ten minutes straight no one even told our son to sit all the way down in his chair... we were that busy talking grown-up speak!

I highly recommend this kind of cooking to all young families out there! It's relaxing, tasty, and comes with it's own rewards for any effort. My dinner, however, was simple and quick: Salmon fillet, baked sweet potatoes and green salad with poppy seed dressing. I really recommend the poppy seed dressing with salmon. It's the perfect compliment!

Salmon with oranges:
Fillet of wild Alaska Salmon
Juicy Orange
salt and pepper
1/4 c fresh orange juice

Slice oranges into pretty circles. Set salmon skin-side down on roasting pan. Pour half of orange juice over salmon fillet. Salt and pepper to taste, then lay on the orange slices to cover the fish. No need to wrap the salmon with foil... the orange slices will act as a heat buffer. Bake for 10 minutes, then remove and pour on the rest of the orange juice. Bake for 3-5 more minutes, depending on how thick the fillet is. The salmon should just be pink through, and lose it's dark pink/ red color. Plate and serve.

Baked sweet potato:
Wrap sweet potato in foil and bake on 375 for 55 minutes or more depending on thickness of the potato. After removing I like to let mine rest in the foil for 15-20 minutes more. Then I serve it warm with brown sugar on top. YUM!

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