Monday, March 3, 2008

Squash Soup

Squash is a subtle reminder for all gardeners out there that it's time to start digging out of the snow and planning for the growing season. Crocuses and Daffodils are poking out of the ground and life is beginning again.
I decided to make an acorn squash soup with a more vibrant and summery flavor than the traditional fall spices. I used ginger, but tempered it with fresh basil. It came out nicely and was a bright and fruity taste to welcome the spring!

Squash Soup:
2 Acorn Squashes, Peeled and sliced
3 1/2 c chicken broth
1T minced fresh ginger
1/4 c coconut milk
3 T minced fresh basil
Salt and Pepper to taste

Steam the squash until soft throughout. Place in a food processor and blend until smooth. Return to a soup pot. Add chicken broth and ginger. Bring temperature up and let the simmer at a gentle boil for 10 minutes. Add coconut milk, salt and pepper and fresh basil. Cook 5 more minutes and then serve with a basil leaf on top.

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